These pages are intended for
those who have read the book, or to encourage those who are yet to read it.
Many readers are having interesting experiences with the text. Some are experiencing
external events that corroborate what they are reading. Others are discovering
internal symbolism that was not originally planned. For those of you
who have had such experiences, please send them to this web site so that all
may share in the discovery!
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Click on a Topic in Order to View the Information:
1. Inquiries About the Cover
2. The Menger Sponge, p. 162
3. The Mandala, p. 148
4. A Synchronistic Experience
5. The Singing Stone, p. 89-92
6. Transformation, p. 271-273
7. Jacob’s Ladder, p. 122
8. The Nazca lines, p. 97
9. The Praying Mantis
10. The Miracle of the Crickets, p. 54-55
11. Dark Matter Update, p. 158, 264
12. Why We Haven't Heard From "ET"
13. The Power of Music
14. Light
15. The Butterfly Effect
16. For Skeptics
17. The Quantum Computer
18. Infinite in All Directions
19. Dreams
20. Alchemy Revisited
21. Microbes
22. Intelligent Design
23. The Electric Cell
24. Synchronicity and the Fish Symbol Revisited
25. A History of Greed: The "Spoil of the Poor" is in Your Houses
26. About Suffering
27. Firefighter Synchronicity
28. In Praise of Ants: the Superorganism
29. The Gaia Hypothesis Revisited. A Human Superorganism?
30. The Brain's Dark Energy
31. Faith and the Scientific Method
32. Quantum Theory Revisited
33. The Limitations Of Our Perception